Anzhelika Karjalainen U4Success Founder and IB Biology Tutor IB tutoring

Who we are

U4Success is a young tutoring company based in Vienna, Austria. We are a team of passionate teachers and tutors who have made it their mission to help students with their studies. We understand how challenging it can be to keep up with schoolwork. If your learning style differs slightly from others, it’s easy to fall behind. That’s why we opt for 1:1 teaching, ensuring that every student receives the support they need!

We are also strong advocates of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and its core values of education, including peace, tolerance, social responsibility, and international cooperation. The IB curriculum is a unique method of educating students to think outside the box, be critical and inquisitive, reflect on their work, cooperate with others, and appreciate the process.

However, such outstanding education comes at a price. This price includes an extensive course load, countless internal and external assessments, mock exams, and final exams. Additionally, there are 150 hours of community service and extracurricular activities that IB students must undertake to enhance their chances of gaining admission to a reputable university.

It’s not surprising that IB students require a strong support system. Many would benefit from well-structured and regular mentoring and private tutoring. That’s why we founded U4Success: to encourage, support, and empower IB students on their path to success.